
About Us

Contact information

Tel: 0755-27313599 27313899
Fax: 0755-27312536
Mobile phone: 13725508628 13717019431 Mr. Zhou
Email: szysd188@163.com
Address: Building 15, Tantou First Industrial Zone, Songgang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
Enterprise Development History

2020- Expand the spring and semi-finished integrated module series - Main products: turning parts, riveting parts, stamping parts, springs, screws, nuts, and assembly parts

2011- Expanded stamping series - Main products: turning parts, riveting parts, stamping parts, screws, nuts

2010- Expanded Turning Series - Main Products: Turning Parts, Riveting Parts, Screws, Nuts

2008- Company Established - Main Products: Screws, Nuts

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Contact information
0755-27313599 27313899


Mobile phone:13725508628 13717019431 Mr. Zhou
Address:Building 15, Tantou First Industrial Zone, Songgang Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
Copyright ? 2022 Shenzhen Yushengda Hardware Electronic Products Co., Ltd.  All rights reserved Record number:粵ICP備17056622號
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